Tackling Poverty Together.

Working with others to tackle poverty and inequality in Dundee.

Our Vision

We believe that all should be treated equally. We believe that we are stronger through listening and working together.

We believe that those who have lived experience of poverty should be given a voice and opportunities to lead, to influence real change.

We believe that the inequalities within our communities should be addressed  locally and nationally.

We believe that faith communities have an important role to play in tackling poverty.

Left: Dundee Faith Covenant Signing  Top right: Image produced at a Poverty Truth Event attended by Dundee Fighting for Fairness. Bottom right: Dundee Community Food Network 

Our Work

Partnership working is at the heart of all we do, because working together we can bring about real change.

Listening is at the heart of what we do, because the solutions are often already there but no-one has taken time to listen.

Believing is at the heart of what we do, because we believe our communities have the resources to make real transformative difference in the lives of the people around them.

Below are key areas of our work – working to improve fairness, working to help those going through food insecurity, and providing support to faith communities.

Fairness Work

We work with people with lived experience of poverty and inequality to create a platform where their voices are heard and can influence change at a local and national level.

Dignified Access to Food

As the lead of the Dundee Community Food Network, we bring together and support food projects from across the city to provide a coordinated response to food and financial insecurity.

Supporting Faith Communities

We provide one-to-one support for faith community projects, helping them to identify and respond to poverty and inequality within their communities

Cash First

We deliver training and workshops to volunteers and frontline staff to embed Cash First Approaches – dignified ways of helping people know what support is available and how to access it

Our Community



Jacky is the strategic and operational lead for Faith in Community Dundee




Project Lead - Dundee Community Food Network

Danny facilitates the Dundee Community Food Network, and works with community food projects to co-design and deliver a Food Strategy for Dundee.


Project Coordinator - Dundee Fighting for Fairness

Danielle works with members of Dundee Fighting for Fairness, Dundonians who are experts by experience, to bring their voices to the decision makers in the city.


Community Development Worker

Alex works with diverse faith communities, supporting them to connect with each other, with local organisations and with their local communities.  


Community Development Worker

Debbie works with diverse faith communities, supporting them to connect with each other, with local organisations and with their local communities.


Finance and Admin Assistant

Megan is our rock! Working closely with our Treasurer she tells the story of our work through the finances. 


Cash First Coordinator

Ross leads our Cash First pilot programme, working with community food projects, money advice partners and third sector organisations