Please use the map below to find your nearest community food project. You can also use our DCFN calendar (click the download button) to view all of the food projects listed by day and time, with provision information, costs and location. You can also use our map to search the project location by postcode and search for money advice services and housing support.

      As we face increasing challenges with both the cost of living and energy crisis leaving many individuals and families struggling with both food and fuel, the support Dundee Community Food Network projects provide is needed more than ever. 
      Anything you can do to support them, big or small, will enable them to continue to provide both food and respond to wider support needs, and do so in a way that is dignified and gives people a choice.
      All of the items suggested will make a huge difference – giving people more access to food and an opportunity to keep warmer at home. 
      Toiletries are another way in which food projects can provide additional items that also make a huge difference.
      A financial contribution is also warmly welcomed, as this allows the projects to provide a tailored response to their customers needs.
      Projects in your local area can be found and contacted directly using the map above.
      Please feel free to save the poster image and share as widely as possible – Thank you

      Dundee Community Food Network

      As COVID-19 became more serious within the UK in 2020, we recognised the impact this would have not only on people already struggling on low incomes but that it would push more people into poverty.

      On 23rd March 2020 we initiated a city-wide response bringing together 24 local grassroots and small community-based projects from across the city, with Senior Managers from Dundee City Council, Councillor Lynne Short and Dundee Volunteer and Voluntary Action. We facilitated weekly Zoom meetings with this group, which became the Food Insecurity Network (and now Dundee Community Food Network) allowing us to hear what our communities are struggling with, tailor the support to the local projects and ensure the Council responds in an informed and relevant way. These projects are rooted in their local communities and are the key food providers responding to food emergency and insecurity.

      A further £50,000 was secured by Abertay Housing Association from the Supporting Communities Fund, and Fareshare have also continued to provide additional stock

      While we had many projects delivering face-to-face support to individuals and families, there was a serious gap in relation to the overall practical co-ordination of food distribution to the projects. Alexander Community Development showed real leadership and commitment by stepping forward to offer a thoughtful, flexible and professional service. They developed processes and relationships at break-neck speed and have become an indispensable part of our food distribution. As we negotiate our way towards recovery and long-term solutions to food poverty in our city, they will have a unique contribution to make.

      We are continuing to support people to access food in Dundee. Please see the map above and visit our Resources Page to find out what provision is available city wide and within each ward.

      We previously coordinated the Dundee Drop In Network which brought together projects responding to food insecurity, as well as other partners such as the NHS, Police Scotland, Council Advice Services and many more.

      We have continued to build on this work, now leading the Dundee Community Food Network and we are developing a new sustainable food strategy for Dundee which will focus on key areas seen in the image below

      For more information on the Cash First approach, please visit our Resources Page to view and download our “What Do I Do If…?” money advice leaflet.